Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rise and Snow

Once again, it is snowing. It's like I live in Chicago! Every day, more and more snow. Unfortunately, our only shovel broke the other day when I was doing some maintenance on the roof. It gets tiring buying new shovels every few years. I remember having the same shovel my whole life until I was 23 and moved to Steamboat. I bet I've had 7 since I moved here 12 years ago. Speaking of which, it has now been 1/3 of my life living in Steamboat (12 years and I am 36). If I can get the 2 feet of snow off my truck this afternoon, maybe E and I will go get a new shovel... again.

Good thing Kodi likes to dig, because he will soon have to if he wants to get into his dog house.

E, K, and Kodi hanging out in the living room after school. I guess that the kid and the dog are both better trained at getting their fotos taken than their Mom. Eyes on the camera K!

Made two 1/2 wheat baguettes yesterday. Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside. Went well with the Portabello/Gorgonzola and Red Pepper Raviolis from Seafood company. Simple spinach and olive oil saute with some parmesano reggiano grated on top. A few spears of asparagus for some more roughage.

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