Sunday, November 4, 2012

"You be flexible, I'll be the Boss"...

... is what E said to K this evening on the way home from dinner at Grandma M's and Papa B's. Some things seem to be going just right and others are so wrong. She is TWO.

We turned E's crib into a bed a couple weeks ago. Coincided nicely with her new Sleep Rules:
1. Stay in your bed
2. Be very quiet
3. Close your eyes
4. Go to sleep

I was very fearful of the caos I felt was sure to follow, but she did really well the first few nights. Then, she got out of bed a few times and struggled staying quiet. She now needs to wait in her room until K or I open her door. At this point, she is allowed to come out. She comes out very slowly, which is kind of funny and she also spends a pretty long time "peeking" as she likes to call it- where she just holds on to the edge of the door and looks about with the door slightly ajar. This was her on the the first weekend where she peeked, legally. Her bedroom is the door on the right that is slightly ajar.

Ready for one of the last bike rides of the season. Made it about a block down the rode, then she wanted to go back for her purse. Then we hopped on "our" bike, my X bike with her seat mounted on it so that Daddy could go buy some new tubeless MTN bike tires.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great line. I am going to try it on Teddy not the other way around.
